How To Prophesy

Active Life Transformation
6 min readJul 24, 2022
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


The Holy Spirit lives in you. Talk to Him as you would with your friend. It’s not only in prayer that you can talk with the Holy Spirit.

Tell Him about your day. Tell Him about the things you want in life. Tell Him about your desires. Tell Him about the things you struggle with.

Talk to Him. By doing that, you’re training your soul to understand that the Holy Spirit is a talking God. As you do that, you will begin to think by the Holy Spirit. Thinking by the Holy Spirit is hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit. This is the simple truth about prophecy. It is so simple that the soul fails to grasp it because the soul thinks hearing God should be complicated, yet, no. Hearing the Holy Spirit is very very very very very very very simple.

When you’re prophesying, which is hearing the voice of God, it is just like thinking. There’s nothing special or complicated in this happening. You hear God in your THOUGHTS. So, the greatest hindrance now is building the courage to believe that what you’re thinking aren’t your own thoughts but rather the voice of God.

How do I know if it’s God speaking or it’s my mind speaking? Well, how do you know if you’re actually speaking in tongues or it’s just your mind speaking gibberish? You don’t. You just believe. By that faith, you allow the Holy Spirit to take over.(We know by faith in the spirit. By faith we know. Not by our understanding.)

Listen, your thoughts and the voice of God are the same in your head. They are completely the same. They sound the same. They come the same. When you prophesy, it’s not like you’re hearing an external voice, or, you’re hearing a voice inside you that isn’t part of you. No! Prophecy comes from inside you. The very essence of prophecy, is thinking, really, that’s all it is. Look right now your mind is telling you no way, how can it be so simple? Well, yes, it is that simple, to the point God says; the things of the Spirit are foolish to the mind. They’re so simple that they don’t make sense. How can someone be dipped in water but in the Spirit they’ve died and have resurrected? How can someone say, Jesus you’re my Lord and I believe you died for my sins and rose again, and just by saying that, they are a new person? How? To the mind these things don’t make sense. How can someone kill 100 people and then come before God and say I repent, please forgive me, and from that moment, that person is Holy in the eyes of God. How? The things of the Spirit are so simple that the flesh thinks they are foolish.

Now, you hear God by faith. God speaks in your thoughts. When you hear a prophet saying, God’s saying this, they’re thinking that. I know it sounds crazy when I say these things out loud, but that’s actually the truth. When a person is prophesying, what they’re prophesying is coming from their thoughts, they’re thinking, that’s all. Yes, your mind is fighting with this simple truth yeah?

Look, I always give this picture to explain what actually takes place when prophecy is happening. Now, where you are, right now, begin to think about everything you did yesterday.

Photo by Japheth Mast on Unsplash

How you were remembering what you did yesterday; that’s EXACTLY, exactly how it’s like when you’re prophesying. It’s just like you’re remembering something. It’s coming from within you, in your thoughts. God speaks in your thoughts. Yes, in your thoughts.

So, Kingstone, if it’s that simple, how come I can’t prophesy? The only reason you can’t prophesy is because you don’t have the courage to believe that it’s not your mind, it’s not just your thoughts but it’s the voice of God in your thoughts. The moment, and I repeat, the moment you get out of your own way, and begin to just believe that these thoughts are the voice of God, the moment you do that without any doubt, you will begin to prophesy. Yes! Yes, you will begin to prophesy.

God speaks inside your thoughts. Not outside of you. When His voice is coming to you, it comes from within you, as part of you, because the Holy Spirit dwells in you. When the voice of God is speaking, it doesn’t seem like something separate from you, no, it is part of you. The only difference is the content of the thoughts that are coming. So, when I look at someone, and I begin to think about their past, about their father whom they lost, I’m thinking, but I also know now, these thoughts are the knowledge of God now, but, understand, the same way the thoughts of the father of the person I’m looking at, the same way they come to me, it is the same way the thoughts of what I ate yesterday come to me. This is what I need you to understand. When I’m prophesying, I’m thinking thoughts. I’m capturing the thoughts that are coming to me. So, the moment I look at someone, I begin to think about that person losing money last year in June from a bad business deal. Now, when I speak about it, I say, the Lord has revealed to me or told me that you lost money last year in June from a bad business deal. Wait, when did God tell me this? How did God tell me this? When I was thinking! He told me in my thoughts.

Okay, let me give you scenario of what actually happened yesterday;

I was walking in town. l had finished what I was doing so I was now leaving the mall, now, I passed by a young man who was sat down smoking a cigarette, as I passed by him, in my heart I sensed deep worry that my heart started beating faster, I kept walking, but, I began to think, so I stopped in my steps, and began to listen to my thoughts. I was thinking, this young man is in a very bad situation in His life right now. God wants me to bless him. God is sending an angel to help him. This young man needs to forgive himself for the mistakes he’s made.

Now, upon thinking these thoughts, I turned back, and I approached him, so, I extended my hand to shake his hand, he removed his earphones and I asked him his name and he told me and he asked me, what can I help you with? And I began, these were my words, take note at this, all this time I said I was THINKING, but take note of how I passed my thoughts to him. I said;

You need to keep an open mind to what I’m about to say(I always say this when God sends me to strangers because not all people are Christians here{UK}.) Then I went on;

The Lord has told me to bless you. When I passed by you, the Lord revealed to me the worry that is in your heart. You’re in a very bad situation right now and you don’t know what’s gonna happen next. But the Lord said he’s going to send His angel to help you. The Lord also said you need forgive yourself of the mistakes you have made. (At this point he was now emotional. He then said, I really needed to hear this, and began to thank me continuously.) And I kept on; The Lord is about to change your situation don’t worry about it. (At this point he was now grabbing my hand and shaking it with enthusiasm than before. He then asked my name and I told him. When I turned to go, he said to me, I hope our paths cross again, and I kept on walking away because I had finished my job.)

Now, the word I released to this young man was accurate to his situation and it blessed him, and it also made him know that there’s God in heaven. But, let’s back up a few steps, the things I told this young man, where did I get them? God told me. How did God tell me? In my thoughts. Everything I said to this young man, I thought it in my mind. I THOUGHT IT. I didn’t hear a voice from the sky or a voice whispering in my ear, no, I thought it. It was thoughts that came into my mind. That’s how prophecy is done. In your thoughts. In your mind. That’s where God speaks. So, overcome the fear that it’s just your mind thinking things, guess what, prophecy, is also your mind thinking things.



Active Life Transformation

Creator of Active Life Transformation. Author/Speaker/Helper. To get in touch go to Active Life Transformation FB page